Personal Information Protection Policy (Privacy Policy)

Language One Corporation President Takeshi Inomata
Language One Corporation (hereinafter “the Company”) provides multilingual contact center service, dispatch of multilingual staff, and consultation of multilingual services, and we are involved in handling personal information (including individual number). We recognize the importance of personal information for our customers and employees. Furthermore, the proper handling and protection of personal information is our duty. Therefore we declare to stipulate, implement, and maintain the following personal information protection policy.
The Company will comply with the law, guidelines provided by the country, and other standards when handling personal information of customers and employees during the course of its duties. Furthermore, we will protect personal information by creating a personal information protection management system that complies with the Japan Industrial Standards (Personal Information Protection Management System – Requirements)(JIS Q15001:2017).
The Company, when obtaining personal information, will determine its purpose, and will not use the personal information beyond the scope of its purpose. Furthermore, we will take measures to ensure that the information is managed appropriately so that it is not used outside the scope of its purpose.
The Company will not provide personal information to a third party unless consent is given or it is required by law to do so.
The Company will make sincere effort to investigate and promptly respond to complaints and inquiries made toward the handling of personal information.
The Company will take measures to prevent leaks, loss, or damage of personal information by implementing security measures from the organizational, human, physical, and technical perspective.
The Company will consider the changes in social situation and environment and improve its personal information protection measures through the continuous review of personal information protection management system
Established: April 1, 2015 Last Revised:April 1, 2023 [Contact for the Personal Information Protection Policy] Language One Corporation Hotline for Claim・Consultation about privacy issues TEL:03-6301-1001(Business Hours:Weekdays 10:00~17:00)
The Purpose of Use and the Handling of Personal Information
Language One Corporation Personal Information Protection Manager: Kouhito Miyoshi
[Personal Information and its Purpose of Use] The Company will use personal information to the extent necessary for achieving the following business contents and purpose of use.-
Business Contents
1. Multilingual Contact Center Service
2. Dispatch of Multilingual Staff
3. Consultation of Multilingual Services
4. Online English conversation service business -
Purpose of Use
1. To provide our service (telephone, e-mail, Online English conversation, etc) and to carry out our tasks effectively and efficiently.
2. For investigation aimed at improving our current services and developing new services
3. To provide services tailored to customers, after-sales services, and e-mail newsletters which include information about our new services
4. If we receive outsourced work from another firm, and the work requires the handling of personal information (whole or partial), we will use the information to ensure that the tasks are carried out effectively and efficiently.
5. For research and development of products and services through market research, data analysis, surveys, etc.
6. For employment selection
7. For managing employees
8. To respond to inquiries made to our company
Purpose of Use: Retained Personal Data
1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 described in the above applies.
However, personal information obtained from outsourced work is not a retained personal data.
* Retained Personal Data refers to “personal information which comprises an aggregation of systematically-structured information – The Company has the authority to respond to all requests for the disclosure, correction, addition and/or deletion of information, the suspension and/or elimination of use, as well as the suspension of provision to third parties by the individual; this excludes information, whether existent or non-existent, designated by Cabinet Order as harmful to the public and/or others’ interests, however.”
[Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party]
We will not provide personal information to a third party, except for the following cases.
1. Cases in which consent is obtained beforehand
2. Cases in which it is based on laws and regulations
3. Cases in which it is difficult to obtain the consent, but necessary to protect the life, body and/or property of an individual.
4. Cases in which it is difficult to obtain consent of the person, but necessary to improve public health or promote the health and development of a children.
5. Cases in which it is necessary to cooperate with a state institution, a local public body, or an individual or entity entrusted by one in executing the duties prescribed by laws and regulations and in which obtaining the consent of the person might hinder the execution of the duties concerned
1. Personal Information deemed permissible for Shared Use:
The sharing of personal information pertaining to an employee, which has been acquired and retained by the Company, is limited to the amount deemed necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) of the Shared User’s business, including:
a. Basic information concerning an employee, such as their name, address, department to which they belong, position, etc.
b. Information concerning an employee’s family, such as names of individual family members, their dependency status, etc.
c. HR-related information, such as an employee’s personal evaluations, job transfer information, etc.
d. Information regarding an employee’s welfare, such as their situation and how they may make use of welfare services, etc.
e. Information regarding an employee’s state of health, such as health check-up results, the results of stress check consultations, etc.
2. Shared Users:
NEC Networks and System Integration Corporation, Q&A Group Companies (consolidated subsidiaries and affiliated companies accounted for by the equity-method)
3. Purpose for Use by the Shared User:
For the purposes of employee management.
4. Title and location of the individual and/or representative responsible for Management of Shared Personal Information: President and CEO: Hayato Nomura, Q & A Corporation, 2-1-6 Sasazuka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0073.
5. Acquisition Method:
Direct written approval from the employee(s) concerned. -
SSL Encryption
“SSL” is used to protect customer’s personal information on our website.
By using a secured browser, the transmission and reception of our customer’s personal information will be automatically encrypted.
Even when using a secured browser, depending on the platform, a security warning may display. Please rest assured the personal information is still encrypted.
Use of Cookies
Cookies may be used on our website for the following purposes:
・ In order to display the most appropriate advertisements;
・ In order to provide information of the services provided by The Company, based on your viewing history of our website.
Cookies are not used for the acquisition of personal information nor for the provision of information to third parties; they are used for no purposes other than those stated above.
If you do not wish to receive information which uses cookies, your browser’s settings can be changed to reject this information.
Please be advised that in doing so, you may become unable to receive some of our available services.
Protection of Personal Information in the External Link stated on this website
To provide variety of information for our customers, we placed external links in our website.
We take no responsibility for the management of personal information on the websites behind the external links.
[Entrusting the handling of personal information]
We may entrust your personal information to subcontractors to the extent necessary to accomplish our mission. We will select subcontractors capable of handling personal information, negotiate necessary items to ensure appropriate management is carried out, and will give our best effort to protect your personal information.
[Shared Use of Employees’ Personal Information]
The shared use of personal data within the Company is as stated below.
[Procedures for disclosure and correction]
The Company will accept requests made by individuals for the disclosure of retained personal data and of those records provided to third parties, notifying the purpose of its use, making corrections in cases where the content of retained personal data is untruthful, and suspending the usage and/or provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as “disclosure etc.”). For specific procedures on requesting disclosures et al., please contact the help desk below.
Please understand that among the above requests, you will be responsible for the fee determined by our company concerning requests for disclosure and notices of purpose of use.
[Handling of Personal Information on our Website]
[Consultation in Handling of Personal Information]
If you would like to consult about the handling of personal information, you can do so at the following:
[Contact for Handling of Personal Information]
Language One CorporationDesk for Complaints and Consultations on Personal Information: 2-1-6 Sasazuka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0073
TEL: 03-6301-1001
Hours of Operation: 10:00-17:00
*Exclude weekends, public holidays, and end of year holidays (Dec 29-Jan 3)

[Name of the Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization and Where to Resolve a Complaint]
Our company is a covered entity of the following accredited personal information protection organization.The name of the accredited personal information protection organization and where to resolve a complaint
about the handling of personal information is as follows:
-Name of the Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization
-To resolve your complaint, contact:
Personal Information Protection Complaints Center
Roppongi First Building, 1 – 9 – 9 Roppongi, Minato – ku, Tokyo 106-0032
TEL: 03-5860-7565
TEL: 0120-700-779
* Please note this is not the number to call to inquire about our products and services.
1. Formulation of Basic Policy:
In order to ensure the proper handling of personal data, The Company has established a “Personal Information Protection Policy” based upon relevant laws and guidelines.
2. Establishing Regulations regarding the Handling of Personal Data:
The handling of personal data is clearly stipulated in The Company’s “Personal Information Protection Regulations”.
3. Systematic Security Control Measures:
The Company has a defined system for the handling of personal data, defined workers responsible for said personal data, and personal data which can be handled by said workers, as well as an established communication route amongst responsible personnel for reporting any breaches or violations of law and/or internal rules that are brought to light.
Along with having been granted “PrivacyMark”, The Company conducts regular self-inspections and internal audits during operation, and is also regularly inspected by an independent external third party inspection committee.
4. Human Security Control Measures :
Education covering the handling of personal data is provided to our workers at the time of employment, and training is regularly conducted. In addition, matters concerning the confidentiality of personal data are clearly stipulated in our employment regulations.
5. Physical Security Control Measures:
In areas where personal data is being handled, worker access is regulated and the bringing in of outside equipment is strictly restricted. Measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal data have also been implemented. Measures to prevent the theft and/or loss of equipment containing personal data, such as electronic data and documentation, as well as measures to prevent the spread of personal data when said equipment is moved about in or out of the office, are also in place.
6. Technical Security Control Measures:
Access to information systems is limited to those personnel responsible and relevant personal information databases.
7. Measures Abroad:
Even when in a foreign country, the necessary and appropriate measures for the security management of personal data are taken, with a succinct understanding of any personal information protection measures of the foreign country in question.
【Safety Management Measures regarding Personal Information】
Regarding P Mark
P Mark
Privacy Mark Certification No. 21001032
The Company implemented the personal information protection management system in accordance with the requirements of JISQ15001:2006, passed the review for obtaining the Privacy Mark, and began using the Privacy Mark from 27 November 2015.
“Privacy Mark” is authorized by JIPDEC to recognize private companies that have implemented appropriate security measures for handling personal information. This system started on 1 April 1998.